Developer Platform (March 2025)

Course content (content objects, tables of content)

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Course content come in two types: course modules and course topics; we use the term CONTENT_T to stand in for an appropriate integer value:

Content object type







Course objects are grouped into a set of more granular activity types and we use the integer values to stand for the appropriate activity types:

Content activity type



















7 // Legacy LTI (v1.1)


8 // Deprecated










13 // Deprecated

CourseLink 14










24 // Content Service SCORM



LorScorm 26

LTIAdvantage 27 // LTI version v1.3+

OrgUnit 28

ActivityInstance 29


Course topic objects are grouped into a set of types and we use the term TOPIC_T to stand in for an appropriate integer value.

Content topic type







5 ^


6 ^


7 ^


8 ^

^ Reserved for future implementation


The back-end service lets you filter content items based on their completion status, and we use a numeric value to indicate the filtering policy to follow:

Completion status









Completion type can be set on a content topic depending on how the topic should be completed. We use the term CONTENT_COMPLETIONTYPE_T to stand in for an appropriate integer value. Exempt topics will always return 3, signifying the completion type None.

Completion type








Manual, Auto

These two completion types indicate that the content topic is “required”.


This completion type indicates that the content topic is exempt, or “optional”.


Completed and required topic counts within an org unit are rolled up at one of the following levels.

Completion level type









The back-end service lets you filter content items based on their exemption status, and we use a numeric value to indicate the filtering policy to follow:

Exemption status









When you use an action to retrieve course content structure information, you will receive one of two types of ContentObject JSON blocks (which use the Type property to indicate which type it is):


Some SCORM content packages can support sequencing, locking the topic ordering. Content objects with this property set True don’t permit content re-ordering or navigating the content out of sequence.


When you use an action that retrieves information from the service for a course’s content, you get back one of two types of ContentObject JSON blocks (as indicated in the ContentObject’s Type property). In modules, this property has the value 0; in topics, this property has the value 1.


    "Structure": [ <Content.ContentObject>, ... ],
    "ModuleStartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "ModuleEndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "ModuleDueDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "IsHidden": <boolean>,
    "IsLocked": <boolean>,
    "Id": <number:D2LID>,
    "Title": <string>,
    "ShortTitle": <string>,
    "Color": <string>|null,  // Added with LMS 20.24.7
    "Type": 0,
    "Description": { <composite:RichText> }|null,
    "ParentModuleId": <number:D2LID>|null,
    "Duration": <number>|null,
    "LastModifiedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null

If this property is present and not null, the content module has a due date. If the property is present with a non-null value, it contains a UTCDateTime.


If null, the module is a root module and the “parent” is the owning org unit; otherwise, this property contains the ID of the parent content module.


The module title as shown on the dashboard page in the LMS.


The hexadecimal color value for the module, null if unset.


Minutes of class time that are likely needed to cover the material in class.


Note that when a topic refers to an object, the properties in the retrieved topic are those in the underlying referred-to object. For example, the topic’s title is taken from the underlying object’s title.

    "TopicType": <number:TOPIC_T>,
    "Url": <string>|null,
    "StartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "EndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "DueDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "IsHidden": <boolean>,
    "IsLocked": <boolean>,
    "IsBroken": <boolean>,  // Added with LE API 1.72
    "OpenAsExternalResource": <boolean>|null,
    "Id": <number:D2LID>,
    "Title": <string>,
    "ShortTitle": <string>,
    "Type": 1,
    "Description": { <composite:RichText> }|null,
    "ParentModuleId": <number:D2LID>,
    "ActivityId": <string>|null,
    "Duration": <number>|null,  // Available in LE's unstable contract
    "IsExempt": <boolean>,
    "ToolId": <number:D2LID>|null,
    "ToolItemId":  <number:D2LID>|null,
    "ActivityType": <number:ACTIVITYTYPE_T>,
    "GradeItemId": <number:D2LID>|null,
    "LastModifiedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "AssociatedGradeItemIds": [<number:D2LID>, ...]

If this property is present and not null, the content topic has a due date. If the property is present with a non-null value, it contains a UTCDateTime.


If true, the content topic is a broken link (the file it refers to has been deleted or the associated item no longer exists).


In link-type topics (TopicType value 3), this property set to True will open the link as an external resource in a new window. If the property is set to False, the link will open in the current window. If the property is null, or not present, the underlying tool determines the default behaviour. For topic types other than link-type topics, this property will always have a value of null.


Contains the ID of the parent content module.


The topic title as shown on the viewContent page in the LMS.


If not null, identifies the underlying activity for this content topic.


Minutes of class time that are likely needed to cover the material in class. Note that this field is not available except in the unstable contract version.


As of LE v1.25, Activities can be exempt from being graded, and if the content topic’s activity has been exempted, then the corresponding Content Topic will return its exemption status.


If not null, identifies the underlying activity’s tool id for this content topic.


If not null, identifies the underlying activity’s id within it’s tool domain.


Identifies the ACTIVITYTYPE_T of this topic, or the underlying activity’s type.


If not null, identifies the underlying activity’s grade item id.


Identifies all associated grade item ids (including the value found in GradeItemId). Not all underlying activities will support multiple associated grade items. In the case of no associated grade items then this list will be empty.


When you use an action to provide course content information, you use one of two types of ContentObjectData JSON blocks (and use the Type property to indicate which type it is):


This property is optional and may be empty or null. Note also that it uses the RichTextInput structure type.


This field may be empty or null.


This field may not be empty, null, or consist only of white-space characters.


In modules, this property has the value 0; in topics, this property has the value 1.


In link-type topics (TopicType value 3), this property should be the URL you want to fetch when the user opens the link-type topic.

In file-type topics (TopicType value 1), this property should contain a new path that is valid within the course offering’s content space and indicate where the system should place the file, for example:



    "Title": <string>,
    "ShortTitle": <string>,
    "Type": 0,
    "ModuleStartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "ModuleEndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "ModuleDueDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "IsHidden": <boolean>,
    "IsLocked": <boolean>,
    "Description": { <composite:RichTextInput> }|null,
    "Duration": <number>|null  // Available in LE's unstable contract
ModuleStartDate, ModuleEndDate

If you provide null for one of these fields, you will erase any prior value set for the field.


As of LE API v1.70, if you provide null for this field, you will erase any prior value set for the field (with older versions of the API, providing null would leave a prior value unaffected).

Note that if the ModuleDueDate field is present and has a non-null value, the content module has a due date; otherwise, it does not.


Minutes of class time that are likely needed to cover the material in class.


    "Title": <string>,
    "ShortTitle": <string>,
    "Type": 1,
    "TopicType": <number:TOPIC_T>,
    "Url": <string>,
    "StartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "EndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "DueDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "IsHidden": <boolean>,
    "IsLocked": <boolean>,
    "OpenAsExternalResource": <boolean>|null,
    "Description": { <composite:RichTextInput> }|null,
    "MajorUpdate": <boolean>|null,
    "MajorUpdateText": <string>,
    "ResetCompletionTracking": <boolean>|null,
    "Duration": <number>|null  // Available in LE's unstable contract
StartDate, EndDate, DueDate

As of LE API v1.70, if you provide null for one of these fields, you will erase any prior value set for the field (with older versions of the API, providing null would leave prior values unaffected).

Note that if the DueDate field is present and has a non-null value, the content topic has a due date; otherwise, it does not.


When a topic is being updated, this property set to True will cause students to be notified of the change. This property otherwise has a value of null.


When a topic is being updated and MajorUpdate is set to True, this value will be the notification summary. This property otherwise has a value of null.


In link-type topics (TopicType value 3), this property set to True will open the link as an external resource in a new window. If the property is set to False, the link will open in the current window. If the property is null, or not present, the underlying tool determines the default behaviour. For topic types other than link-type topics, this property will always have a value of null.


When a topic is being updated and MajorUpdate is set to True, this property set to True will cause the topic’s completion tracking to be reset. This property otherwise has a value of null.


Minutes of class time that are likely needed to cover the material in class.


When a topic refers to an object, the properties in the retrieved topic are those in the underlying referred-to object. For example, the topic’s title is taken from the underlying object’s title.

   "ExemptItems": [ // Array of D2LID numbers that are content object IDs
                    <number:D2LID>, ...
   "ExemptStartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
   "ExemptEndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
   "ExcludeGradedActivities": <boolean>|null,
   "ExcludeCompleteActivities": <boolean>|null

Content overview

Each course offering org unit can have a content overview consisting of a rich text description and an optional attachment.

    "Description": <composite:RichText>,
    "HasAttachment": <boolean>

Scheduled items


A scheduled item describes an activity in an org unit that was added to the content tool with start date, end date, or due date.

    "UserId": <string:D2LID>,
    "OrgUnitId": <string:D2LID>,
    "ItemId": <number:D2LID>,
    "ItemName": <string>,
    "ItemType": <number:CONTENT_T>,
    "ItemUrl": <string>|null,
    "StartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "EndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "DueDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "CompletionType": <number:CONTENT_COMPLETIONTYPE_T>,
    "DateCompleted": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "ActivityType": <number:ACTIVITYTYPE_T>,
    "IsExempt": <boolean>

If this property is present and not null, and IsExempt is false, then the content topic has a due date.


Completion type of the content topic. This value is set to 3 (completion type None) when the item is exempt or optional.


If true, the user is exempt from the topic; otherwise, false. This property is only present if item exemptions are supported.

An activity is considered scheduled for a particular user when it is accessible to that user:

  • The user is enrolled in the org unit with a role that can have content assigned to them

  • The item is a content topic in the org unit’s content

  • The item is accessible to the user, considering a variety of factors:

    • Start and end dates of the org unit

    • Scheduled dates for the item itself

    • Publication status of the item

    • Any special access status for the item

    • Applicable release conditions


The count of content items with a start, end, or due date, for the provided org unit context.

   "OrgUnitId": <string:D2LID>,
   "UserId": <string:D2LID>,
   "ItemCount": <number>

An overdue item describes an activity in an org unit that was added to the content tool with a due date and that is now overdue for a particular user.

   "UserId": <number:D2LID>,
   "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>,
   "ItemId": <number:D2LID>,
   "ItemName": <string>,
   "DueDate": <string:UTCDateTime>

An activity is considered overdue for a particular user when these considerations are met:

  • The item is a content topic in the org unit’s content

  • The item is accessible to the user, considering a variety of factors:

    • Start and end dates of the org unit

    • Scheduled dates for the item itself

    • The item has a due date scheduled and that date is in the past

    • The user hasn’t yet completed the item

    • The item has not been exempted for the user

Table of contents


This is a nested structure. The TableOfContent comprises a list of Module blocks. Each Module block can contain a list of Topic blocks, and can contain a list of child Module blocks. Thus, each module can have a child that’s a topic, or another module, but topics are “leaf nodes”.

   "Modules": [ // Array of Module blocks
            "ModuleId": <number:D2LID>,
            "Title": <string>,
            "Modules": [ // Array of child Module blocks
                    "ModuleId": <number:D2LID>,
                    "Title": <string>,
                    "SortOrder": <number>,
                    "StartDateTime": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
                    "EndDateTime": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
                    "Modules": [ { <composite:ToC.Module> }, ... ],
                    "Topics": [ { <composite:ToC.Topic> }, ... ],
                    "IsHidden": <boolean>,
                    "IsLocked": <boolean>,
                    "PacingStartDate": <string:ISODate>|null,
                    "PacingEndDate": <string:ISODate>|null,
                    "DefaultPath": <string>,
                    "LastModifiedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null
                { <composite:Module> }, ... ],
            "Topics": [ // Array of Topic blocks
                    "TopicId": <number:D2LID>,
                    "Identifier": <string:D2LID>,
                    "TypeIdentifier": <string>,
                    "Title": <string>,
                    "Bookmarked": <boolean>,
                    "Unread": <boolean>,
                    "Url": <string>,
                    "SortOrder": <number>,
                    "StartDateTime": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
                    "EndDateTime": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
                    "ActivityId": <string>|null,
                    "CompletionType": <number:CONTENT_COMPLETIONTYPE_T>,
                    "IsExempt": <boolean>,
                    "IsHidden": <boolean>,
                    "IsLocked": <boolean>,
                    "IsBroken": <boolean>,
                    "ToolId": <number:D2LID>|null,
                    "ToolItemId":  <number:D2LID>|null,
                    "ActivityType": <number:ACTIVITYTYPE_T>,
                    "GradeItemId": <number:D2LID>|null,
                    "LastModifiedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
                    "StartDateAvailabilityType": <AVAILABILITY_T>|null,  // Available in LE's unstable contract
                    "EndDateAvailabilityType": <AVAILABILITY_T>|null  // Available in LE's unstable contract
                { <composite:Topic> }, ... ]
        { <composite:Module> }, ... ]

Contains a D2LID for the module.


Contains a D2LID for the topic. Note that this property contains the same identifier as the Identifier property, but formatted as a JSON number rather than as a string.


Carries the same value as appears in a ContentObjectData block: for link content topics, it’s the content link; for file content topics, it’s the path in the course content space for the file data.


A non-negative integer describing the intended, ascending, order of the topics within a given module (or of modules within a given module).


Carries the same value as appears in a ContentObject block.


Completion type of the content topic.


If true, the user is exempt from the topic; otherwise, false.


Carries the same value as appears in a ContentObject block.


If this property is present and not null, the content module has a pacing start date. If the property is present with a non-null value, it contains a ISODate.


If this property is present and not null, the content module has a pacing end date. If the property is present with a non-null value, it contains a ISODate.


If true, the activity for the topic can’t be found; otherwise, false.


The suggested default file path for topics within this module.


If not null, identifies the underlying activity’s tool id for this content topic.


If not null, identifies the underlying activity’s id within it’s tool domain.


Identifies the ACTIVITYTYPE_T of this topic, or the underlying activity’s type.


If not null, identifies the underlying activity’s grade item id.

StartDateAvailabilityType, EndDateAvailabilityType

Identifies the availability type (AVAILABILITY_T) for the start and end date values for the content object.

User Progress


When the client uses an action to retrieve a content topic’s completion,

   "UserId": <number:D2LID>,
   "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>,
   "TopicId": <number:D2LID>,
   "CompletionType": <number:CONTENT_COMPLETIONTYPE_T>,
   "CompletionDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null

User the content topic completion belongs to.


OrgUnit of the content topic.


ID of the content topic.


Completion type of the content topic.


Date content topic was completed, or null if the topic has not been completed.


When the client uses an action to update a content topic’s completion,

   "CompletedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null

Date content topic was completed, or null to indicate that the topic has not been completed.


When the client uses an action to retrieve content aggregate completion,

   "UserId": <string:D2LID>,
   "OrgUnitId": <string:D2LID>,
   "ObjectId": <number:D2LID>,
   "Title": <string>,
   "RequiredItems": <number>,
   "CompletedItems": <number>

ID of the user for whom the completion data is reported.


ID of the org unit that the content object belongs to.


ID of the content object for which the required child topics are counted. If data is aggregated at OrgUnit level, the value is 0.


Content object title. If data is aggregated at OrgUnit level, the value is the org unit name.


This count includes completed topics which meet all of the following criteria: visible to the user, not marked as exempt for the user, and are required topics.


This count includes all RequiredItems plus completed topics not visible to the user and any completed optional topics.


When the client uses an action to retrieve content learner progress,

   "UserId": <string:D2LID>,
   "OrgUnitId": <string:D2LID>,
   "RequiredItems": <number>,
   "CompletedItems": <number>

ID of the user for whom the completion data is reported.


ID of the org unit that the content object belongs to.


This count includes completed topics which meet all of the following criteria: visible to the user, not marked as exempt for the user, and are required topics.


This count includes all RequiredItems plus completed topics not visible to the user and any completed optional topics.


When the client uses an action to retrieve the user’s progress through content, the back-end service reports on the progress using blocks that look like this:

   "ObjectId": <number:D2LID>,
   "UserId": <number:D2LID>,
   "CompletedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
   "IsRead": <boolean>,
   "NumVisits": <number>,
   "TotalTime": <number>,
   "LastVisited": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
   "Visited": <boolean>,
   "Completed": <boolean>,
   "IsExempt": <boolean>

ID of the content topic in question.


Total time spent on the page in seconds. You cannot update this property to a lower value than its current value; also, the service will not update the value to a time past the last login time of the user.


Date and time the user last visited the content.


If true, the user has visited the page; otherwise, false.


If true, the user has read the page; otherwise, false.


If true, the user is exempt from the activity; otherwise, false.


  "StartDate": <string:ISODate>|null,
  "EndDate": <string:ISODate>|null
  "StartDate": <string:ISODate>|null,
  "EndDate": <string:ISODate>|null
  "StartDate": <string:ISODate>|null,
  "EndDate": <string:ISODate>|null,
  "SkipWeekends": <boolean>

If true, dates sent on content modules will not be set on weekends.



A captions metadata object describes a captions file. Each captions file is associated with a particular audio or video topic in course content, providing captions data for a specific language.

This object only contains file metadata. It does not contain the actual contents of the captions file.

   "Filename": <string>,
   "LanguageCode": <string>,
   "LanguageCulture": <string>, // Optional.
   "LanguageName": <string>

The name of the captions file, as it appears in Organization Files. Includes file extension.


The two-letter ISO 639-1 language code of the language this captions file is associated with.


The two-letter ISO 639-1 culture code of the language this captions file is associated with. Some languages do not correspond to a specific culture, in which case this property will not be present.


The translated, human-readable name of the language this captions file is associated with. This property is translated to the language used by the LMS.


DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/modules/(moduleId)

Delete a specific module from an org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – Module ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:modules:manage scope to gain access to this action. While the content:modules:read scope will still provide access, use of content:modules:read for this action is now deprecated.

DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)

Delete a specific topic from an org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Topic ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:topics:manage scope to gain access to this action. While the content:topics:read scope will still provide access, use of content:topics:read for this action is now deprecated.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/modules/(moduleId)

Retrieve a specific module for an org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – Module ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a ContentObject JSON data block of type Module.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:modules:readonly scope to gain access to this action. While the content:modules:read scope will still provide access, use of content:modules:read for this action is now deprecated.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/modules/(moduleId)/access/

Retrieve a list of users with access to a specified module.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – Module ID.

Query Parameters:
  • userId (D2LID) – Optional. Retrieve access for a single user.

  • roleId (D2LID) – Optional. Retrieve access for users with the given role.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a object list page containing the resulting UserAccess blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if that parameter is empty or missing).

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/modules/(moduleId)/structure/

Retrieve the structure for a specific module in an org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – Module ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON array of ContentObject data blocks (can by either Module or Topic type blocks).


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:modules:readonly scope to gain access to this action. While the content:modules:read scope will still provide access, use of content:modules:read for this action is now deprecated.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/root/

Retrieve the root module(s) for an org unit.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON array of ContentObject data blocks of type Module.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:modules:readonly scope to gain access to this action. While the content:modules:read scope will still provide access, use of content:modules:read for this action is now deprecated.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)

Retrieve a specific topic for an org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Topic ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a ContentObject JSON data block of type Topic.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:topics:readonly scope to gain access to this action. While the content:topics:read scope will still provide access, use of content:topics:read for this action is now deprecated.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/access/

Retrieve a list of users with access to a specified content topic.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Topic ID.

Query Parameters:
  • userId (D2LID) – Optional. Retrieve access for a single user.

  • roleId (D2LID) – Optional. Retrieve access for users with the given role.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a object list page containing the resulting UserAccess blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if that parameter is empty or missing).

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/file

Retrieve the content topic file for a content topic.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Topic ID.

Query Parameters:
  • stream (boolean) – Optional. If set to true, will stream the file instead of downloading it.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action retrieves the underlying file for a file content topic.

You can use the optional stream query parameter to change the content disposition of the returned data; if you don’t provide the parameter (or set it to a value of false), the returned Content-Disposition header indicates the data payload is an “attachment”; otherwise, the header indicates the data payload is “inline”.


For LE API versions 1.34 and older, this action requires the content:topics:read scope; for LE API versions 1.35 and newer, it instead requires the content:file:read scope.

POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/exemptions/users/(userId)/byList/

Create exemptions for specific content topics for a user.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User for whom to create the exemptions.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Returns. This action returns the created exemptions expressed in a ItemExemptionInfo JSON block.

POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/exemptions/users/(userId)/byFilter/

Create exemptions for content topics matching a specific filter for a user.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User for whom to create the exemptions.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Returns. This action returns the created exemptions expressed in a ItemExemptionInfo JSON block.

POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/exemptions/users/(userId)/byList/delete/

Delete exemptions for content topics for a user.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User for whom to delete the exemptions.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Returns. This action returns the deleted expressions in a ItemExemptionInfo JSON block.

POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/modules/(moduleId)/structure/

Add a child module or topic to a specific module’s structure.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – Module ID for the parent module.

Query Parameters:
  • base64 (boolean) – Optional. If present and true, when adding a file topic, you are providing base64-encoded file attachment data.

  • renameFileIfExists (boolean) – Optional. If present and true, when adding a file topic, if a file already exists with the same name then it will rename this new one and continue rather than overwrite it.

JSON Parameters:
  • varies – Varies (see input description).

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Action succeeded.

  • 400 Bad Request – Provided parent module ID does not identify a module, invalid child topic data provided, or OpenAsExternalResource is set to true on a topic type other than a link.

  • 403 Forbidden – No permission to create or edit course content.

  • 404 Not Found – Parent module ID not found in provided org unit, or org unit not found, or attempt to re-use existing file failed because existing file not found.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.

API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. You can use this action in several ways, depending on whether you’re attempting to add a child module, a child link topic, or a child file topic to an existing (parent) module.

Module. If you’re adding a child module to a parent module’s structure, you should provide a POST body containing a single part: a ContentObjectData JSON data block of type Module.

Link Topic. If you’re adding a child topic to a parent module’s structure that consists of a Link type topic (3), you should provide a POST body containing a single part: a ContentObjectData JSON data block of type Topic. In this case, the Url property in the data block points to the resource you want the link to point to.

File Topic. If you’re adding a child topic to a parent module’s structure that consists of a File type topic (1), you should provide a multipart/mixed post body with two parts (as with the simple file upload process): the first, a ContentObjectData JSON data block of type Topic; the second, the file attachment data itself that you want to store in the org unit’s content area.

When providing a file, the ContentObjectData’s Url property must contain a path that’s valid for the current org unit’s content space, identifying the path to the new file, and the name the new file will have in the content space (typically something like /content/enforced/orgunit_id-org_id/newfilename).

If you want to re-use a file in the org unit’s content space, you can provide a ContentObjectData block that points to the existing file, indicate a File topic type (1), and not post any attached file data.

Return. On success, this action returns a JSON data block containin the properties for the content object you’ve created:

  • If you’re adding a module, this action returns a ContentObject JSON data block of type Module.

  • If you’re adding a file or link type topic, this action returns a ContentObject JSON data block of type Topic.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:modules:manage scope to gain access to this action. While the content:modules:read scope will still provide access, use of content:modules:read for this action is now deprecated.

POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/root/

Create a new root module for an org unit.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a ContentObject JSON data block of type Module.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:modules:manage scope to gain access to this action. While the content:modules:read scope will still provide access, use of content:modules:read for this action is now deprecated.

PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/modules/(moduleId)

Update a particular module for an org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – Module ID.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. Note that you cannot use this action to affect a module’s existing Structure property.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:modules:manage scope to gain access to this action. While the content:modules:read scope will still provide access, use of content:modules:read for this action is now deprecated.

PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)

Update a particular topic for an org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Topic ID.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. Note that you can use this action to change a topic’s Url property, but if it changes the new URL must be a valid one for the org unit’s content store (the service makes no check that the URL actually points at anything useful, however). You cannot use this action to provide new file data for an existing topic.


As of LMS v20.23.4 applications should use the content:topics:manage scope to gain access to this action. While the content:topics:read scope will still provide access, use of content:topics:read for this action is now deprecated.

PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/file

Replace the content topic file for a content topic.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Topic ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. Provide an uploaded content file using the simple file upload process; the content-disposition part header for the file part should have the name file. This file will be saved in the same location as the existing content topic file; note that the existing content topic file will not be removed by this action.


For LE API versions 1.34 and older, this action requires the content:topics:read scope; for LE API versions 1.35 and newer, it instead requires the content:file:write scope.

Content overview

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/overview

Retrieve the content overview for a course offering.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a Overview JSON data block containing the course offering’s content overview details.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/overview/attachment

Retrieve the content overview’s file attachment for a course offering.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a file stream containing the course offering’s content overview file attachment.

Scheduled items

Scheduled items are activities in content that have assigned dates (start, end, and/or due), and become therefore, scheduled for a user’s attention. Start and end dates govern the accessibility of the activity, while a due date specifies a date after which the item will become overdue if the user does not complete it.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/myItems/

Retrieve the calling user’s scheduled items.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You can also filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window. Exempted items do not have due dates.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ScheduledItem blocks, sorted by the earliest of start date, end date, or due date that match the provided query parameter filters.

This action ignores invalid selection data on input (unknown or inaccessible org units or items), returning only those items that the calling user has access to.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/items/(userId)

Retrieve the scheduled items for a particular user, within a number of org units.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • userId (D2LID) – User for which to retrieve the scheduled items for.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

  • exemption (EXEMPTION_T) – Optional. Exemption status.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You can also filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window. Exempted items do not have due dates. Additionally, you can filter the data on its exemption status. Combining this with startDateTime or endDateTime will return exempted items within the due date, even though the items are not due.

Note that the calling user must have permission to see user progress for users, manage content, and see the classlist for _every_ org unit in the provided orgUnitIdsCSV list.j

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ScheduledItem blocks, sorted by the earliest of start date, end date, or due date that match the provided query parameter filters.

This action ignores invalid selection data on input (unknown or inaccessible org units or items), returning only those items that the user provided has access to.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/myItems/due/

Retrieve the calling user’s scheduled items still due.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You can also filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ScheduledItem blocks of the user’s scheduled items that are still due, sorted by the due date, and that match the provided query parameter filters. Exempted items are considered not due and will not appear in the result list.

This action ignores invalid selection data on input (unknown or inaccessible org units or items), returning only those items that the calling user has access to.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/myItems/itemCounts/

Retrieve the quantities of the calling user’s scheduled items, organized by org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You can also filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window. Exempted items do not have due dates.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ScheduledItemCount blocks containing only the quantity of the calling user’s scheduled items that match the provided query parameter filters.

This action ignores invalid selection data on input (unknown or inaccessible org units or items), returning only those items that the calling user has access to.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/myItems/due/itemCounts/

Retrieve the quantities of the calling user’s scheduled items still due.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You can also filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ScheduledItemCount blocks containing only the quantity of the calling user’s scheduled items that are still due and match the provided query parameter filters. Exempted items are considered not due and will not be counted.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/myItems/completions/

Retrieve the calling user’s completed scheduled items.

Query Parameters:
  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

  • completedFromDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • completedToDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You can also filter the data retrieved based on item’s completion date, which falls within the provided time window.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of completed ScheduledItem blocks, sorted by completion date that match the provided query parameter filters.

This action ignores invalid selection data on input (unknown or inaccessible org units or items), returning only those items that the calling user has access to.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/myItems/completions/due/

Retrieve the calling user’s completed scheduled items that have a due date.

Query Parameters:
  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

  • completedFromDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • completedToDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You can also filter the data retrieved based on item’s completion date, which falls within the provided time window.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of completed ScheduledItem blocks, sorted by completion date that match the provided query parameter filters. Exempted items are considered not due and will not appear in the result list.

This action ignores invalid selection data on input (unknown or inaccessible org units or items), returning only those items that the calling user has access to.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/myItems/

Retrieve the calling user’s scheduled items for a particular org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you can filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window. Exempted items do not have due dates.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ScheduledItem blocks, sorted by the earliest of start date, end date, or due date, that match the provided query parameter filters.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/myItems/due/

Retrieve the calling user’s scheduled items still due for a particular org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you can filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window.

Return. An ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ScheduledItem blocks of the user’s scheduled items that are still due, sorted by due date, and that match the provided query parameter filters. Exempted items are considered not due and will not appear in the result list.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/myItems/itemCount

Retrieve the quantity of the calling user’s scheduled items for provided org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you can filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window. Exempted items do not have due dates.

Return. This action returns a ScheduledItemCount JSON block containing only the quantity of the calling user’s scheduled items that match the provided query parameter filters.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/myItems/due/itemCount

Retrieve quantity of the calling user’s scheduled items still due for a particular org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • completion (COMPLETION_T) – Optional. Completion status.

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. When calling this action, you can filter the data retrieved based on its completion status or whether an item’s due date falls within a provided time window.

Return. This action returns a ScheduledItemCount JSON block containing only the quantity of the calling user’s scheduled items that are still due and match the provided query parameter filters. Exempted items are considered not due and will not be counted.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/overdueItems/

Retrieve the overdue items for a particular user in a particular org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • userId (D2LID) – User for which to retrieve the overdue activities.

  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – Optional. List of Org unit IDs.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. For this call, you must provide a userId query parameter and may provide an orgUnitIdsCSV query parameter:

  • Users can query about their own overdue items.

  • Auditors can query about overdue items for users they audit.

  • Users that have Manage Content permission over org units (for example, instructors for course offerings) may be able to query about overdue items for users enrolled in those org units (for example, students), but not for overdue items in org units that the user identified by userId has Manage Content permission over.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of OverdueItem blocks. Exempted items are considered not due and will not be counted.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/overdueItems/myItems

Retrieves the calling user’s overdue items, within a number of org units.

Query Parameters:
  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – Optional. List of Org unit IDs.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. You may provide orgUnitIdsCSV query parameter for this call; you will be unable to retrieve overdue items for org units for which you do not have Manage Content privileges.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of OverdueItem. Exempted items are considered not due and will not be counted.

Table of contents

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/bookmarks

Retrieve a list of topics that have been bookmarked.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON array of Topic ToC entries.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/recent

Retrieve a list of the most recently visited topics.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON array of Topic ToC entries.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/toc

Retrieve the table of course content for an org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • ignoreDateRestrictions (boolean) – (Optional) Include content modules and topics where date restriction would otherwise hide them from view.

  • ignoreModuleDateRestrictions (boolean) – (Optional) Include content modules where date restriction would otherwise hide them from view.

  • userId (D2LID) – (Optional) Fetch the table of course content as it would be viewed by this user.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – (Optional) ModuleId used for filtering.

  • title (string) – (Optional) Topic or module title used for filtering

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.67+ – Added support for ignoreDateRestrictions and ignore use of ignoreModuleDateRestrictions.

  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. This action’s optional ignoreDateRestrictions query parameter supports inclusion of content module and topic entries regardless of date restrictions on viewing content:

  • If false (or you don’t provide the query parameter) then this action fetches back the table of contents excluding all items restricted from view by date restriction, unless the calling user has permission to view them anyway (for example, administrator users).

  • If true, then this action fetches back the table of contents including modules and topics that would otherwise be restricted from view by date restriction (start or end dates). No special view permissions are required from the calling user, and therefore, students will be allowed to view such modules (and their sub-modules) and topics even if the restrications are not met.

Note that the ignoreDateRestrictions query parameter is supported as of LE API v1.67 and forward and replaces support for the older ignoreModuleDateRestrictions (which the back-end service will ignore if used with version 1.67 of this action and forward). In API versions 1.66 and older, callers can use ignoreModuleDateRestrictions to ignore date restrictions only around content modules (descendant content topics would remain excluded, unless the calling user has permission to view them anyway, for example, administrator users).

This action’s optional userId query parameter lets you retrieve the table of course content as it might be viewed by another user (identified by your provided user ID). When used this way, the calling user context’s role affects access to this route:

  • Auditors can use the route for users they audit.

  • Users with permission to manage content for the org unit (for example, instructors for course offering org units) can use the route for users enrolled in the org unit.

This action’s optional moduleId query parameter lets you filter on a specific module. If the module exists, its sub-modules and topics will be returned. If not found, the status code will be 404.

This action’s optional title query parameter lets you filter on module and topic titles.

  • If module title is matched, itself and all its submodules will be returned.

  • If only a topic title is matched, only the parent module and the matched topic(s) will be returned.

  • When both moduleId and title is provided, the title will be queried in the submodules and topics of the found module.

Return. This action returns a TableOfContents JSON block.

User Progress

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/completions/

Retrieve a list of content topic completions for a topic for users the caller has access to.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org Unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Content Topic ID.

Query Parameters:
  • userId (D2LID) – Optional. User ID.

  • isAscendingSort (boolean) – Optional. Whether to sort ascending. True by default.

  • userBookmark (D2LID) – Optional. Bookmark for last user returned.

  • pageSize – Optional. Number of entries to return in each data page (default is 20).

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ContentTopicCompletion blocks, sorted by userId and the isAscendingSort parameter.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/completions/users/(userId)

Retrieve a content topic completion for a topic for a particular user.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org Unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Content Topic ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a ContentTopicCompletion JSON block.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/completions/mycount/

Retrieves the aggregate count of completed and required content topics in an org unit for the calling user.

Query Parameters:
Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of ContentAggregateCompletion items.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/completions/

Retrieves the count of completed and required content topics in an org unit for each of the users in the csv.

Query Parameters:
  • ignoreInvalid (boolean) – If true, prompt the back-end service to filter out and ignore provided userIdsCSV values that are unauthorized or non-existent.

  • userIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of user IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON block containing a list of ContentLearnerProgress items.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/completions/(userId)/

Retrieves the count of completed and required content topics for a user in each org unit in the csv.

Query Parameters:
  • ignoreInvalid (boolean) – If true, prompt the back-end service to filter out and ignore provided orgUnitIdsCSV values that are unauthorized or non-existent.

  • orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org unit IDs (limited to 100 or fewer).

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Action succeeded.

  • 400 Bad Request – User is not in the classlist, or orgUnitIdsCSV is invalid, empty, or has more than 100 ids.

  • 403 Forbidden – You don’t have access to this user in the classlist, you are missing the ManageContent permission, or the user is not enrolled in one of the org units.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.

API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON block containing a list of ContentLearnerProgress items.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/userprogress/

Retrieve the user progress items in an org unit, for specific users or content topics.

Query Parameters:
  • userId (D2LID) – Report on progress for these users (you can use this parameter more than once for multiple users).

  • objectId (D2LID) – Report on progress through these content topics (you can use this parameter more than once for multiple topics).

  • pageSize – Optional. Number of entries to return in each data page (default is 20).

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • unstable – Route first appears in LMS v10.6.0.

Input. The calling user context’s role affects the scope of this action:

  • Users can query about their own progress through content.

  • Auditors can query about progress for users they audit.

  • Users with permission to see progress for all users over org units (for example, instructors for course offering org units) may be able to query about progress for all users enrolled in those org units.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of UserProgressData.

Note that with this action, you will only retrieve user progress information for those users that have made some progress through content topics; you will not retrieve records for users that have made no progress on topics past the default state.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/userprogress/(topicId)

Retrieve one user’s progress within an org unit for a particular content topic.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org Unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Topic ID.

Query Parameters:
  • userId (D2LID) – Report on progress for this user.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • unstable – Route first appears in LMS v10.6.0.

Input. The calling user context’s role affects the scope of this action:

  • Users can query about their own progress through content.

  • Auditors can query about progress for a user they audit.

  • Users with permission to see progress for all users over org units (for example, instructors for course offering org units) may be able to query about progress for all users enrolled in those org units.

Return. This action returns a UserProgressData JSON block.

Note that with this action, you will retrieve all user progress records for the topic, including records with a default state for those users that have made no progress past that state.

POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/userprogress/

Update a user progress item.

JSON Parameters:
Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • unstable – Route first appears in LMS v10.6.0.

Input. Note that the UserId property in your provided user progress data must be the ID for the calling user context: this action only lets users update their own progress through content.

Return. This action returns a UserProgressData JSON data block containing the updated state of the user’s progress.

PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/completions/users/(userId)

Update a content topic completion for a topic for a particular user.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org Unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Content Topic ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. This action expects a ContentTopicCompletionUpdate JSON block as input.


GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/pacing

Retrieve pacing dates for content.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a PacingInfo JSON data block containing the course and semester start and end dates.

PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/pacing

Set pacing dates for content.

JSON Parameters:
Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/pacing/modules/(moduleId)

Set pacing dates for a specific module.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • moduleId (D2LID) – Module ID.

JSON Parameters:
Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.


DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/captions/(language)

Delete the captions file associated with a content topic for a specific language.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Content Topic ID.

  • language (string) – ISO 639-1 language and culture code of the captions file to delete.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. The format of the language query parameter must be (language)-(culture), or (language) if culture does not apply. This parameter must match the ISO 639-1 code of the desired language exactly. For example, “FR” and “FR-CA” will be treated as separate resources, and deleting “FR” will not delete “FR-CA”.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/captions

Retrieve metadata for all captions associated with an audio or video content topic.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Content Topic ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns an ObjectListPage JSON block containing a list of CaptionsMetadata blocks, sorted by their LanguageCode and LanguageCulture properties in ascending order.

PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/captions/(language)

Provide a language-specific captions file associated with a particular content topic.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • topicId (D2LID) – Content Topic ID.

  • language (string) – ISO 639-1 language and culture code that the captions file will be associated with.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. Provide an uploaded SRT or WebVTT content file using the simple file upload process; the content-disposition part header for the file part should have the name file. This file will be saved in a content folder with a name matching the topic file’s name, without file extension.

The format of the language query parameter must be (language)-(culture), or (language) if culture does not apply. This parameter must match the ISO 639-1 code of the desired language exactly. For example, “FR” and “FR-CA” will be treated as separate resources, and uploading to “FR” will not modify “FR-CA”.

Note that if no such captions file existed previously for this language, for this content topic, this action will create one; if one already existed, this action will replace that previous file.

Return. This action returns a CaptionsMetadata JSON block describing the updated captions file.


POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/order/objectId/(objectId)

Specify the position order of a content object with respect to its sibling objects.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • objectId (D2LID) – Content Object ID.

Query Parameters:
  • position (string) – The order position within siblings and can be either first, last, or the objectId to be placed after.

Oauth2 Scopes:

content:modules:manage content:topics:manage

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. Provide a position query parameter value to indicate where in the content sorting you want a target content object (topic or module) to have its position. You may specify one of three kinds of values: first to move the specificed target content object to be first in order amongst its siblings; last to move the target object to be last in order; or, provide a content object ID value to indicate the object you want to be immediately before your target object in the order.

Note that you can only use this action to arrange the order of content objects in a single generation (that is, sibling content objects all with the same parent content module, or all at the root level); you cannot use this action to move an object across a generation boundery (that is, move it from within once content module to within another content module).

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