These actions and structures provide access to counts of the various items that end users might think of as updates to their view of the service:
Unread and unapproved discussions
Unattempted quizzes and unread feedback on assignments, for those who submit work for grading
Unread assignment submissions and ungraded quizzes, for those who grade users’ work
Possible values, to describe the various types of updates information which should be included in
. We categorize the kinds of updates that can be retrieved, and use the term UPDATETYPES_T to stand in for an appropriate integer value.Org unit update type
- Updates.OrgUnitUpdates¶
{ "OrgUnitId": <string:D2LID>, "UserId": <string:D2LID>, "UnreadDiscussions": <number>, "UnapprovedDiscussions": <number>, "UnreadAssignmentFeedback": <number>, "UnattemptedQuizzes": <number>, "UnreadAssignmentSubmissions": <number>, "UngradedQuizzes": <number> }
- UnapprovedDiscussions
Number of discussions the calling user is responsible for approving but has not yet approved.
- UnattemptedQuizzes
Number of quizzes the calling user must attempt but has not yet attempted.
- UngradedQuizzes
Number of quizzes the calling user is responsible for grading but has not yet graded.
- UnreadAssignmentFeedback
Number of assignment submissions that have new feedback waiting for the user to review.
- UnreadAssignmentSubmissions
Number of new assignment submissions waiting for the user to review.
- UnreadDiscussions
Number of discussions the calling user is responsible for reading but has not yet read.
If you don’t specify an update type in the updateTypesCSV parameter, the corresponding property in the returned JSON will use -1 as the value.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/updates/myUpdates¶
Retrieve numbers of updates for the current user in the provided org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Query Parameters:
updateTypesCSV (CSV of UPDATETYPES_T) – Optional. List of org unit update types.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – User has no permission to access specified org unit.
404 Not Found – Org unit does not exist.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.
1.67-74 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.
1.66- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.
Input. You may use the updateTypesCSV query parameter to retrieve update information for a specific list of one or more types; if you don’t use this query parameter, the results include values for all update types.
Return. This action returns an
JSON block.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/updates/myUpdates/¶
Retrieve numbers of updates for the current user across several org units.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
- Query Parameters:
orgUnitIdsCSV (CSV of D2LIDs) – List of org units to check (limited to 100 or fewer).
updateTypesCSV (CSV of UPDATETYPES_T) – Optional. List of org units update types.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid query parameter.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.
1.67-74 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.
1.66- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.
Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments. You may use the updateTypesCSV query parameter to retrieve update information for a specific list of one or more types; if you don’t use this query parameter, the results include values for all update types.
Return. This action returns an
JSON block containing a list ofOrgUnitUpdates