Grade objects support several different means of assessment. We organize these into a list of grade object types and use the term GRADEOBJ_T to stand in for an appropriate integer value.
Grade object type
5 ^
6 ^
7 ^
8 ^
9 ^
^ Direct creation of these types through these APIs is not supported.
Each org unit is configured with a grading system that is used by all grade objects in the org unit. These string labels identify the various grading systems:
Grading system
Final grade calculation
Sum of the points from each grade object.
Weighted sum of the points from each grade object.
Determined by custom formula.
- Points and Weighted
The points method simply sums up the raw points of each grade object (for example, test one worth 10 points and test two worth 15 points produces a sum of 15 points towards the final grade).
The weighted method treats each grade object as a percentage of the final grade (so, test one could comprise 30% of the final grade, and test two could comprise 15% of the final grade: together, they account for 45% of the final grade).
- Formula
The calculation of the final grade gets done according to a custom formula, and all the grade items and categories use the Points method within this formula.
- Grade.GradeObject¶
A grade object describes a single point of assessment for an org unit, containing the parameters within which participants will get assessed. The framework supports the creation of four different types of GradeObjects, each with slightly different properties.
Providing grade object data blocks. The following blocks demonstrate what the framework API returns to callers. When you must provide grade object data blocks into the framework API, abide by these restrictions:
Do not provide an Id field.
The CategoryId field should contain a valid category ID value for an existing grade category, or a value of 0.
The Description field should use the RichTextInput field type, and not the RichText type sent back on output by the service.
The GradeSchemeId field for numeric or pass-fail grade objects should match an existing grade scheme ID for the org unit, but can be null if the grade object has no associated scheme.
The GradeSchemeId field for select-box grade objects must have an associated scheme ID; it cannot be null for select-box grade objects.
The MaxPoints field (for grade objects that have one) must have a value that ranges between 0.01 and 9999999999.
The Name field must not be the same as any current grade object in the org unit’s gradebook.
The Name field may not contain any of these characters: / “ * < > + = | , %
Both the Name and ShortName field must be 128 unicode characters or fewer in length.
Do not provide a GradeSchemeUrl or Weight field.
Default Category ID values. When the service provides you with a grade object block, it may provide you with a CategoryId value of 0 if the grade object has no associated grade category, instead of providing you with null – you should be able to cope with receiving both values, and recognize that in either case, the grade object has no associated category (do not attmept to fetch a grade category with a category ID of 0, as one won’t be findable: this is also true of the call to retrieve all grade categories).
IsHidden default value. If not provided with input actions, this field will default to a value of False.
Numeric. Numeric grade objects look like this:
{ "MaxPoints": <number:decimal>, "CanExceedMaxPoints": <boolean>, "IsBonus": <boolean>, "ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": <boolean>, "GradeSchemeId": <number:D2LID>|null, "Id": <number:D2LID>, // Not on input actions "Name": <string>, "ShortName": <string>, "GradeType": "Numeric", "CategoryId": <number:D2LID>|null, "Description": { <composite:RichText> }, // { <composite:RichTextInput> } on input actions "GradeSchemeUrl": <string:APIURL>, // Not on input actions "Weight": <number:decimal>, // Not on input actions "AssociatedTool": { <composite:AssociatedTool> }|null, "IsHidden": <bool> }
- GradeSchemeUrl
Contains the URL for an API action to retrieve the grade scheme associated with the grade object. Retrieving this URL will return a
object.- AssociatedTool
Describes the tool object associated with this grade object.
PassFail. Pass-fail grade objects look like this:
{ "MaxPoints": <number:decimal>, "IsBonus": <boolean>, "ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": <boolean>, "GradeSchemeId": <number:D2LID>|null, "Id": <number:D2LID>, // Not on input actions "Name": <string>, "ShortName": <string>, "GradeType": "PassFail", "CategoryId": <number:D2LID>|null, "Description": { <composite:RichText> }, // { <composite:RichTextInput> } on input actions "Weight": <number:decimal>, // Not on input actions "GradeSchemeUrl": <string:APIURL>, // Not on input actions "AssociatedTool": { <composite:AssociatedTool> }|null, "IsHidden": <bool> }
- GradeSchemeUrl
Contains the URL for an API action to retrieve the grade scheme associated with the grade object. Retrieving this URL will return a
object.- AssociatedTool
Describes the tool object associated with this grade object.
SelectBox. Select-box grade objects look like this:
{ "MaxPoints": <number:decimal>, "IsBonus": <boolean>, "ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": <boolean>, "GradeSchemeId": <number:D2LID>, // Cannot be null on input actions "Id": <number:D2LID>, // Not on input actions "Name": <string>, "ShortName": <string>, "GradeType": "SelectBox", "CategoryId": <number:D2LID>|null, "Description": { <composite:RichText> }, // { <composite:RichTextInput> } on input actions "Weight": <number:decimal>, // Not on input actions "GradeSchemeUrl": <string:APIURL>, // Not on input actions "AssociatedTool": { <composite:AssociatedTool> }|null, "IsHidden": <bool> }
- GradeSchemeUrl
Contains the URL for an API action to retrieve the grade scheme associated with the grade object. Retrieving this URL will return a
object.- AssociatedTool
Describes the tool object associated with this grade object.
Text. Text grade objects look like this:
{ "Id": <number:D2LID>, // Not on input actions "Name": <string>, "ShortName": <string>, "GradeType": "Text", "CategoryId": <number:D2LID>|null, "Description": { <composite:RichText> }, // { <composite:RichTextInput> } on input actions "Weight": <number:decimal>, // Not on input actions "AssociatedTool": { <composite:AssociatedTool> }|null, "IsHidden": <bool> }
- AssociatedTool
Describes the tool object associated with this grade object.
- Grade.AssociatedTool¶
Included in grade objects to indicate the underlying tool and tool item associated with the grade object.
{ "ToolId": <number:D2LID>, "ToolItemId": <number:D2LID> }
Grade categories¶
- Grade.GradeObjectCategory¶
This data block contains a
block while adding an Id field and a Grades array field:{ "Id": <number:D2LID>, "Grades": [ <Grade.GradeObject>, ... ], "Name": <string>, "ShortName": <string>, "CanExceedMax": <boolean>, "ExcludeFromFinalGrade": <boolean>, "StartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null, "EndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null, "Weight": <number:decimal>|null, "MaxPoints": <number:decimal>|null, "AutoPoints": <boolean>|null, "WeightDistributionType": <number>|null, "NumberOfHighestToDrop": <number>|null, "NumberOfLowestToDrop": <number>|null }
- Grade.GradeObjectCategoryData¶
This data block contains all the fundamental values for a generic grade object category.
{ "Name": <string>, "ShortName": <string>, "CanExceedMax": <boolean>, "ExcludeFromFinalGrade": <boolean>, "StartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null, "EndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null, "Weight": <number:decimal>|null, "MaxPoints": <number:decimal>|null, "AutoPoints": <boolean>|null, "WeightDistributionType": <number>|null, "NumberOfHighestToDrop": <number>|null, "NumberOfLowestToDrop": <number>|null }
Grade schemes¶
- Grade.GradeScheme¶
{ "Id": <number:D2LID>, "Name": <string>, "ShortName": <string>, "Ranges": [ // Array of GradeSchemeRange blocks { "PercentStart": <number:decimal>, "Symbol": <string>, "AssignedValue": <number:decimal>|null, "Colour": <string> }, { <composite:GradeSchemeRange> }, ... ] }
Grade values¶
- Grade.GradeValue¶
The framework can provide grade values slightly differently depending upon whether the underlying grade object type is a computable value, or not (basically, only Text (4) grade types are not computable).
Basic. All grade values will share at least these properties:
{ "UserId": <string:D2LID>, // Available in LE unstable API contract "OrgUnitId": <string:D2LID>, // Available in LE unstable API contract "DisplayedGrade": <string>, "GradeObjectIdentifier": <string:D2LID>, "GradeObjectName": <string>, "GradeObjectType": <number:GRADEOBJ_T>, "GradeObjectTypeName": <string>|null, "Comments": { <composite:RichText> }, "PrivateComments": { <composite:RichText> }, "LastModified": <string:UTCDateTime>|null, "LastModifiedBy": <string:D2LID>|null, "ReleasedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null }
- ReleaseDate
If your grade value block is a final grade that has been released and you have the appropriate permissions, it will return the value. Otherwise, it will return null.
Computable. Computable grade values can have additional properties; computable value structures have all the basic properties, and also add these:
{ "PointsNumerator": <number>|null, "PointsDenominator": <number>|null, "WeightedDenominator": <number>|null, "WeightedNumerator": <number>|null }
Nullable grade values for these fields in the computable grade value structures indicate (when null) a default grade value state before a grade value has actually been assessed.
- Grade.UserGradeValue¶
Contains a
and aGradeValue
.{ "User": { <composite:User> }, "GradeValue": { <composite:GradeValue> }|null }
- GradeValue
If the user currently has no grade value set, this will be null.
- Grade.IncomingGradeValue¶
As with
grade objects
, the framework handles incoming grade values slightly differently depending upon the grade object type associated with the grade value (these APIs support incoming grade values for the first four grade object types).Basic. All incoming grade value structures share at least these common properties:
{ "Comments": { <composite:RichTextInput> }, "PrivateComments": { <composite:RichTextInput> }, }
You should provide the basic properties that are appropriate to the API version level you’re using (for example, if you’re using the v1.14 APIs, use all the basic properties introduced with that version and older, such as, v1.13, v1.12, and so on).
- Comments and PrivateComments
Note that both these properties use the RichTextInput structure for incoming grade values.
With LE v1.13 of the API and later, you should include these properties with incoming grade value structures of all types, and leave the comment text as an empty string if you intend to have no comment or privately-visible comment associated with the grade value.
With older versions of the API, you should not include these two properties at all in incoming grade value structures.
Grade values have additional properties depending on their type.
Numeric. When providing numeric grade values grade values, you should make a JSON block that includes both the basic common properties appropriate for your API contract version and these additional properties:
{ // Appropriate basic common properties here "GradeObjectType": 1, "PointsNumerator": <number:decimal> }
PassFail. When providing pass-fail grade values, you should make a JSON block that includes both the basic common properties appropriate for your API contract version and these additional properties:
{ // Appropriate basic common properties here "GradeObjectType": 2, "Pass": <boolean> }
SelectBox. When providing select-box grade values, you should make a JSON block that includes both the basic common properties appropriate for your API contract version and these additional properties:
{ // Appropriate basic common properties here "GradeObjectType": 3, "Value": <string> }
Text. When providing text grade values, you should make a JSON block that includes both the basic common properties appropriate for your API contract version and these additional properties:
{ // Appropriate basic common properties here "GradeObjectType": 4, "Text": <string> }
- Grade.IncomingFinalAdjustedGradeValue¶
If you use the API to provide a final adjusted grade value for a user, then use a block like this:
{ "PointsNumerator": <number:decimal>, "PointsDenominator": <number:decimal> }
Course completion¶
- Grade.CourseCompletion¶
{ "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>, "CompletionId": <number:D2LID>, "UserId": <number:D2LID>, "CompletedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>, "ExpiryDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null }
- Grade.CourseCompletionCreationData¶
{ "UserId": <number:D2LID>, "CompletedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>, "ExpiryDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null }
- ExpiryDate
Course created with an expiry date if this property is not null.
- Grade.CourseCompletionUpdateData¶
{ "CompletedDate": <string:UTCDateTime>, "ExpiryDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null }
- ExpiryDate
Course adjusted to have an expiry date if this property is not null.
Grade Statistics¶
- Grade.GradeStatisticsInfo¶
{ "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>, "GradeObjectId": <number:D2LID>, "Minimum": <number:decimal>|null, "Maximum": <number:decimal>|null, "Average": <number:decimal>|null, "Mode": [ <number:decimal>, ... ], "Median": <number:decimal>|null, "StandardDeviation": <number:decimal>|null, }
Grade Setup¶
- Grade.GradeSetupInfo¶
{ "GradingSystem": <string:GRADINGSYSTEM_T>, "IsNullGradeZero": <boolean>, "DefaultGradeSchemeId": <number:D2LID> }
Bulk Grade Exemptions¶
- Grade.BulkGradeObjectExemption¶
{ "GradeObjectCategory": { <composite:BulkGradeObjectCategory> }|null, "GradeObjectId": <number:D2LID>, "GradeObjectName": <string>, "GradeObjectType": <number:GRADEOBJ_T>, "GradeValue": { <composite:GradeObjectValue> }, "IsExempt": <boolean>|null }
- Grade.BulkGradeObjectExemptionConflict¶
{ "UserId": <number:D2LID>, "Exemption": { <composite:BulkGradeObjectExemption> }, "GradingSystem": <number:GRADINGSYSTEM_T> }
- Grade.BulkGradeObjectExemptionResult¶
{ "Items": [ <composite:BulkGradeObjectExemption>, ... ], "ExemptionAccessDate": <string:UTCDateTime> }
- ExemptionAccessDate
The time the BulkGradeObjectExemptionResult is originally requested. Used for conflict checking prior to updating exemption data.
- Grade.BulkGradeObjectExemptionUpdate¶
{ "ExemptedIds": [ <number:D2LID>, ... ], "UnexemptedIds": [ <number:D2LID>, ... ], "ExemptionAccessDate": <string:UTCDateTime> }
- ExemptedIds
IDs of grade objects to exempt.
- UnexemptedIds
IDs of grade objects to unexempt.
- ExemptionAccessDate
The back-end service will determine that there is a conflict if a grade object has been updated since the ExemptionAccessDate. In this case, it will not update the grade object’s exemption data and will create a BulkGradeObjectExemptionConflict result for the grade object. The back-end service will update grade objects not in conflict, even if some of the grade objects in the bulk request are in conflict
- Grade.GradeObjectValue¶
{ "PointsNumerator": <number:decimal>|null, "PointsDenominator": <number:decimal>|null, "WeightedNumerator": <number:decimal>|null, "WeightedDenominator": <number:decimal>|null, "GradeText": <string>|null, "SchemeRangeId": <number:D2LID>|null, "DisplayValue": <string> }
- GradeText
Has a non-null value for GradeText grade objects.
- SchemeRangeId
Has a non-null value for SelectBox grade objects.
- DisplayValue
The grade formatted according to the org unit’s display settings. Empty for GradeText grade objects. Use GradeText as the display value in this case.
- Grade.BulkGradeObjectCategory¶
{ "Id": <number:D2LID>, "Name": <string> }
- DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)¶
Delete a specific grade object for a particular org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectID (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to manage grades.
404 Not Found – No such grade object, or no such org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/¶
Retrieve all the current grade objects for a particular org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grades.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a JSON array of
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)¶
Retrieve a specific grade object for a particular org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grades.
404 Not Found – No such grade object, or no such org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/access/¶
Retrieve a list of users with access to a specified grade.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
- Query Parameters:
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see and manage grade, see classlist, view user enrollment.
404 Not Found – Unable to find the grade within specified org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
object list page
containing the resultingUserAccess
blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if that parameter is empty or missing).
- POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/¶
Create a new grade object for a particular org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- JSON Parameters:
GradeObject (
) – New grade object for org unit.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded: the return body contains the parsed grade object data.
400 Bad Request – Bad request: you have posted invalid data, the return body may contain further detail.
403 Forbidden – No permission to manage grades.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action expects a grade object of one of the first four grade object types.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block for the grade object that the service just created, so you can quickly retrieve the grade object ID.
- PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)¶
Update a specific grade object.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
- JSON Parameters:
GradeObject (
) – Updated properties for grade object.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded: the return body contains updated grade object data.
400 Bad Request – Bad request: you provided invalid data; the return body may contain further detail.
403 Forbidden – No permission to manage grade objects.
404 Not Found – No such grade object, or no such org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action expects a grade object of one of the first four grade object types. Note that your provided block’s data replaces all the associated grade object’s data on the service.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block for the grade object that the service just updated.
Grade categories¶
- DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/categories/(categoryId)¶
Delete a specific grade category for a provided org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
categoryId (D2LID) – Grade category ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to manage grades.
404 Not Found – Grade category not found, or org unit not found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/categories/¶
Retrieve a list of all grade categories for a provided org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grades.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action retrieves a JSON array of
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/categories/(categoryId)¶
Retrieve a specific grade category for a provided org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
categoryId (D2LID) – Grade category ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grades.
404 Not Found – Grade category not found, or org unit not found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action retrieves a
JSON block.
- POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/categories/¶
Create a new grade category for a provided org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- JSON Parameters:
GradeCategoryData (
) – New grade category for org unit.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to manage grades.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns the newly created grade object category in a
JSON block, so that you can quickly gather its grade category ID.
Grade schemes¶
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/schemes/¶
Retrieve all the grade schemes for a provided org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to manage grades.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a JSON array of
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/schemes/(gradeSchemeId)¶
Retrieve a particular grade scheme.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeSchemeId (D2LID) – Grade scheme ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to manage grades.
404 Not Found – No grade scheme found for org unit, or no org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
Grade values¶
Default grade values. Each user can have a grade value associated with each
grade object. If you try to retrieve a computable grade value
for a user for whom a grade has not been set, the API may
return a “default” grade value object instead of a 404. In this case, the
computable properties for the grade value that the LMS has not yet been able to
calculate (the numerator and denominator properties for the grade value) will be
set to null, and you should be prepared to handle such values.
Final grade values. Note that final grade values can be managed before being released. If the calling user has permission to see grades but not to manage them, they may not get a value back when calling the final grade actions if the grades have not yet been released. Calling users that can manage grades, however, can use the final grade actions to retrieve final grade values before release, provided some value has been set for them. The kind of value the back-end service returns depends upon how the org unit’s gradebook has been configured to provide final grades (whether to release the final grades as calculated, or as adjusted).
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/final/values/myGradeValue¶
Retrieve the final grade value for the current user context.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API verison.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – Current user context has no permission to see grade values.
404 Not Found – No final grade found for current user in org unit, or no org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block containing the final calculated grade value for the current user context.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/grades/final/values/myGradeValues/¶
Retrieve a list of final grade values for the current user context across a number of org units.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API verison.
- Query Parameters:
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid query parameter.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. When calling this action, you must provide a list of org unit IDs that amount to some or all of the calling user’s active enrollments.
Return. This action returns an
JSON block containing a list of final calculatedgrade values
sorted by the OrgUnitIds that match the provided query parameter filters.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/final/values/(userId)¶
Retrieve the final grade value for a particular user.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Query Parameters:
gradeType (string) – Optional. Force return of final calculated or adjusted grade (see description).
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid gradeType query param.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grade values.
404 Not Found – No final grade found for provided user in org unit, or no user found, or no org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action can take an optional query parameter:
- gradeType
If you do not provide a gradeType query parameter, this action fetches the final adjusted/calculated grade as configured in course settigs.
If you provide calculated for this parameter, the action will always return the final calculated grade. If you provide adjusted for this parameter, the action will always return the final adjusted grade.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block containing the final calculated grade value for the provided user.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/values/¶
Retrieve each user’s grade value for a particular grade object.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
- Query Parameters:
sort (string) – Optional. Sort by firstname, lastname, grade value, or lastmodified (see description).
pageSize (number) – Optional. Number of objects to return in each data page (see description).
isGraded (boolean) – Optional. Filter to graded or not graded users (see description).
searchText (string) – Optional. Show only users that match this string inside first and last names.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid page size provided, or grade object is an unsupported type (see description).
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grade values.
404 Not Found – No grade object found in org unit, or org unit not found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action can take a number of optional sort and filter parameters:
- isGraded
If you do not provide an isGraded query parameter, this action fetches back a list of all users to whom the grade object applies, whether they have yet been graded or not.
If you provide true for this parameter, the action filters the list to show only graded users; if you provide false for this parameter, the action filters the list to show only ungraded users.
- sort
You can control the sorting key field, and the direction of the sort, by using the key name in combination with a minus sign (to make the sort descending instead of ascending). Thus, to do an ascending sort by graded user’s first name you use ?sort=firstname; to do a descending sort by grade value, you use ?sort=-grade.
If you don’t provide the parameter, this action behaves as if you had provided ?sort=lastname (ascending sort by graded user’s SortLastName (LastName in version < 1.60)).
Note that setting the sorting key field to lastname sorts by the user’s SortLastName, if present, as of API version 1.60. If not present, or if the version is < 1.60, it sorts by the user’s LastName. See
for more information.- pageSize
You can also request an adjustment to the size of the data pages retrieved with this action: by default, the data pages will contain at most 20 items; you can use the pageSize query parameter to request up to 200 items per page.
Return. This action returns an
JSON block containing a list ofuser grade values
for your provided grade object.Note
Valid grade object types. Valid grade object types for this route are Numeric, PassFail and SelectBox. If this route is called with a grade object of any other type, a 400 status code will be returned.
Sorting and searching. When searching and/or sorting you are subject to user privacy controls. If you try to sort by last name or first name, and your calling user context does not have permission to see the relevant field, then this action falls back to sorting by grade.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/final/values/¶
Retrieve each user’s final grade value for a particular org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Query Parameters:
sort (string) – Optional. Sort by firstname, lastname, grade value, or lastmodified (see description).
pageSize (number) – Optional. Number of objects to return in each data page (see description).
isGraded (boolean) – Optional. Filter to graded or not graded users (see description).
searchText (string) – Optional. Show only users that match this string inside first and last names.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid page size provided.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grade values.
404 Not Found – No final grade object found in org unit, or org unit not found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action can take a number of optional sort and filter parameters:
- isGraded
If you do not provide an isGraded query parameter, this action fetches back a list of all users to whom the grade object applies, whether they have yet been graded or not.
If you provide true for this parameter, the action filters the list to show only graded users; otherwise, if you provide false for this parameter or do not include it, the action filters the list to show only ungraded users.
- sort
You can control the sorting key field, and the direction of the sort, by using the key name in combination with a minus sign (to make the sort descending instead of ascending). Thus, to do an ascending sort by graded user’s first name you use ?sort=firstname; to do a descending sort by grade value, you use ?sort=-grade.
If you don’t provide the parameter, this action behaves as if you had provided ?sort=lastname (ascending sort by graded user’s SortLastName (LastName in version < 1.60)).
Note that setting the sorting key field to lastname sorts by the user’s SortLastName, if present, as of API version 1.60. If not present, or if the version is < 1.60, it sorts by the user’s LastName. See
for more information.- pageSize
You can also request an adjustment to the size of the data pages retrieved with this action: by default, the data pages will contain at most 20 items; you can use the pageSize query parameter to request up to 200 items per page.
Return. This action returns an
JSON block containing a list ofuser grade values
for the final grade object.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/values/(userId)¶
Retrieve a specific grade value for a particular user assigned in an org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grade values.
404 Not Found – No grade found for provided user in org unit, or no grade object, user, or org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/values/myGradeValue¶
Retrieve a specific grade value for the current user context assigned in a particular org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – Current user context has no permission to see grade values.
404 Not Found – No grade found for current user in org unit, or no grade object found, or no org unit not found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/values/myGradeValues/¶
Retrieve all the grade objects for the current user context assigned in a particular org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – Current user context has no permission to see grade values.
404 Not Found – No grades found for current user context in org unit, or no org unit not found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a JSON array of
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/values/(userId)/¶
Retrieve all the grade objects for a particular user assigned in an org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see grades.
404 Not Found – No grades found for provided user in org unit, or no user found, or no org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a JSON array of
- POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/final/calculated/(userId)¶
Recalculate final grade value for provided user in org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to change final grades.
404 Not Found – No user found, or no org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
- POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/final/calculated/all¶
Recalculate all final grade values for provided org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to change final grades.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
- PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/final/values/(userId)¶
Set the adjusted final grade value for provided user in org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- JSON Parameters:
FinalAdjustedGradeValue (
) – Updated adjusted final grade value for a user.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see or manage grades.
404 Not Found – No such user in org unit, or no org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
- PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/values/(userId)¶
Provide a specific grade value for a particular user.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- JSON Parameters:
GradeValue (
) – Updated grade value for a user.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Mismatch between provided incoming grade value type and grade object type.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see or manage grades.
404 Not Found – No such user in org unit, or no grade object found, or no org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action expects an
aligned with one of the first four grade object types. Note that your provided block’s data replaces all the associated grade value data on the service.
Course completion¶
- DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/courseCompletion/(completionId)¶
Delete a course completion.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
completionId (D2LID) – Completion ID.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to delete course completion.
404 Not Found – No such course completion found for org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/courseCompletion/¶
Retrieve all the course completion records for an org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Query Parameters:
userId (D2LID) – Optional. User ID.
startExpiry (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of expiration range to query.
endExpiry (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of expirtation range to query.
bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching the next data set segment.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. You can limit the scope of this query by providing an optional start and/or end date to clamp the search. You can also limit the scope of this query by providing an optional User ID (to fetch only course completions for that user within the org unit).
You can also use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.
Return. This action returns a
paged result set
containing the resultingCourseCompletion
data blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if the parameter is empty or missing).
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/grades/courseCompletion/(userId)/¶
Retrieve all the course completion records for a user.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Query Parameters:
startExpiry (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of expiration range to query.
endExpiry (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of expirtation range to query.
bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching the next data set segment.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid expiration dates provided.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. You can limit the scope of this query by providing an optional start and/or end date to clamp the search.
You can also use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.
Return. This action returns a
paged result set
containing the resultingCourseCompletion
data blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if the parameter is empty or missing).
- POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/courseCompletion/¶
Create a new course completion for an org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- JSON Parameters:
CourseCompletionData (
) – New course completion properties for org unit.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid completion dates provided.
403 Forbidden – No permission to create course completion.
404 Not Found – Unable to find created course completion.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block with the newly created course completion record.
- PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/courseCompletion/(completionId)¶
Update an existing course completion.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
completionId (D2LID) – Completion ID.
- JSON Parameters:
CourseCompletionData (
) – Updated course completion properties for org unit.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid completion dates provided.
403 Forbidden – No permision to update course completion.
404 Not Found – No such course completion found for org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block with the updated course completion record.
Grade statistics¶
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/statistics¶
Get statistics for a specified grade item.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId – Grade object ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to get grade statistics.
404 Not Found – No such grade found for org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
Grade setup¶
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/setup/¶
Retrieve the grades configuration for the org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to get grades setup.
404 Not Found – No such org unit found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
- PUT /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/setup/¶
Update the grades configuration for the org unit.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid setup info provided.
403 Forbidden – No permision to update grades setup.
404 Not Found – No such org unit found, or invalid setup info provided.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action expects a
JSON block.Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
Grade exemptions¶
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/exemptions/¶
Retrieve all the exempt users for a provided grade.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see exempt users for grade.
404 Not Found – No such grade object, or no such org unit.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action retrieves a JSON array of
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/exemptions/(userId)¶
Determine if a user is exempt from a grade.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see exempt user for grade.
404 Not Found – No such grade object, no such org unit, no such user id, or no such exemption.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
- POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/exemptions/(userId)¶
Exempt a user from a grade.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to exempt a user for grade.
400 Bad Request – Invalid data provided (return body may contain further detail).
404 Not Found – No such grade object, no such org unit, no such user id.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
- DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/exemptions/(userId)¶
Remove a user’s exemption from a grade.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
gradeObjectId (D2LID) – Grade object ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – Forbidden. No permissions.
404 Not Found – No such grade object, no such org unit, no such user id.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Bulk grade exemptions¶
- GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/exemptions/(userId)¶
Retrieve all the grade objects for a provided user in a provided org unit with exemption status included.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see exempt grades for user.
404 Not Found – No such org unit, no such user, no such enrollment, or bulk exemptions is not enabled for the org.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block.
- POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/exemptions/(userId)¶
Attempt to exempt or unexempt a set of grades for a user.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.
userId (D2LID) – User ID.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to exempt or unexempt grades for user.
404 Not Found – No such org unit, no such user, no such enrollment, or bulk exemptions is not enabled for the org.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.67+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.23.1.
1.61-66 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.24.1.
1.60- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.24.1.
Input. This action expects a
. If a grade has been changed since the provided ExemptionAccessDate, a conflict will be added to the result set and that grade will not be exempted or unexempted.Return. This action retrieves a JSON array of