Developer Platform (October 2024)

Development tools and resources

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Developer tools

As the Brightspace API is language-platform neutral, you can choose the development and testing tools that are most familiar to you, provided they have good support for making web requests.

HTTP requests. Your tools should give you good support for making HTTP requests with the following features:

Testing tools. Some language platforms can provide a convenient REPL (read-eval-print loop), and with fairly minimal effort you can use them for interactive testing with your back-end service.

Also, we recommend you consider using Postman, a market-leading web service API testing tool. You can find some Sample Postman Environments and Collections on the Brightspace Github organization. You can also find information on how to connect Postman to Brightspace in the Brightspace Developer Community.

Developer sites

In order to use the Brightspace API you will require a Brightspace site to work with. Here are the options available:

Developer Persona


D2L Customers

For development and testing purposes please work with your Brightspace Administrator to determine if a non-production instance of Brightspace is available.

D2L Partners

D2L makes test servers available as a service through our Partner program. Contact the D2L Partner team for more information.

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