Developer Platform (March 2025)

Subscriptions to user and object activities

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Subscription actions don’t accept or provide any subscription-specific attributes. Rather, the subscription actions let callers manage associations between the calling user context eP identity and the other eP Objects and LMS Users.



DELETE /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/objects/(objectId)

Remove an object from the list of subscribed-to EP objects for the calling user context.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • id (D2LID) – Object ID for the subscribed-to object.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.

GET /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/objects/

Return a list of subscribed-to EP objects for the calling user context.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.

Return. This action retrieves a JSON data block containing an array of all the EP object IDs for the objects subscribed to by the calling context’s user.

GET /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/objects/exists

Determine if the calling user context already subscribes to a provided EP object ID.

Query Parameters:
  • objectId (D2LID) – EP object to check for subscription.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.

Return. This action retrieves a JSON boolean value: true if the calling user context is currently subscribed to the identified EP object; otherwise, false.

POST /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/objects/(objectId)

Add an EP object to the list of subscribed-to objects for the calling user context.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • id (D2LID) – Object ID for the subscribed-to object.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.


DELETE /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/users/(userId)

Remove a user from the list of subscribed-to users for the calling user context.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • id (D2LID) – User ID for the subscribed-to user.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.

GET /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/users/

Return a list of subscribed-to users for the calling user context.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.

Return. This action retrieves a JSON data block containing an array of all the User IDs for the users subscribed to by the calling context’s user.

GET /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/users/exists

Determine if the calling user context already subscribes to a provided User ID.

Query Parameters:
  • userId (D2LID) – User to look for amongst current subscriptions.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.

Return. This action retrieves a JSON boolean value: true if the calling user context is currently subscribed to the identified user; otherwise, false.

POST /d2l/api/eP/(version)/subscriptions/users/(userId)

Add a user to the list of subscribed-to users for the calling user context.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • id (D2LID) – User ID for user to subscribe to.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.

  • 2.4-Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.

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