The Locale and Time Zone actions let an organization manage the collection of locale and time zone properties available to users.
- Locales.Locale¶
{ "LocaleId": <number:D2LID>, "LocaleName": <string>, "IsDefault": <boolean>, "CultureCode": <string>, "LanguageId": <number:D2LID> }
- TimeZones.TimeZone¶
Contains information about time zone.
{ "Identifier": <string:TimeZone>, "SimpleName": <string>, "Name": <string>, "CurrentOffset": <string:TimeSpan>, "CurrentStandardOffset": <string:TimeSpan> }
- CurrentOffset
Currently observed offset from UTC (for example, “-04:00:00”).
- CurrentStandardOffset
Offset from UTC used in this time zone when it observes standard time (for example, “-05:00:00”).
- Identifier
Unique identifier for a given time zone. This identifier is the same value as the unique identifier name of the time zone in the tz database (for example “America/Toronto”).
- Name
Full name for a given time zone (for example, “Canada - Toronto”).
- SimpleName
Short name for a given time zone (for example, “Toronto”).
- Language.Language¶
Contains information about a language.
{ "LanguageId": <number:D2LID>, "Name": <string>, "LanguageTypeId": <number:D2LID>, "CultureClass": <string>, "OwnerOrgId": <number:D2LID> }
- GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/locales/¶
Retrieve the collection of all known locales.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
- Query Parameters:
bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching the next data set segment.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid bookmark provided.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see locales.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
unstable – Route first appears with LMS v10.4.7.
Input. You can use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.
Return. This action returns a
paged result set
containing the resultingLocale
data blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment, if the parameter is empty or missing).
- GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/locales/(localeId)¶
Retrieve the properties for a particular locale.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
localeId – Locale ID.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see locales.
404 Not Found – Locale not found.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
unstable – Route first appears with LMS v10.4.7.
Return. This action returns a
JSON block, containing information about the provided locale.
- GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/timezones/¶
Retrieves a list of available time zones.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
- Query Parameters:
identifier (string) – Optional. Time zone identifier to get exact match against.
filter (string) – Optional. String to find inside time zone Identifier fields.
pageSize (number) – Optional. Number of entries to return in each data page.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
unstable – Route first appears in LMS v10.7.3.
Input. You can provide a filter string and this action will return time zones where the Identifier string contains your filter string.
Return. This action retrieves an
JSON block containing a list ofTimeZone
- GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/language¶
Retrieve the collection of all D2L languages.
- Parameters:
version (D2LVERSION) – API version.
- Query Parameters:
bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching the next data set segment.
- Oauth2 Scopes:
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Action succeeded.
400 Bad Request – Invalid bookmark provided.
403 Forbidden – No permission to see languages.
429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
- API Versions:
1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.
1.43-1.45 – Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.
1.42- – Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.
Input. You can use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.
Return. This action returns a
paged result set
containing the resultingLanguage
data blocks for the segment following the provided bookmark parameter (or the first segment, if the parameter is empty or missing).