Developer Platform (March 2025)


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These attributes and actions collect together functionality around enrollments: assigning users to the various defined organizational units.

Controlling access to enrollments. Note that system permissions can provide quite fine-grained control over what enrollments users are allowed to see. The permissions for a user’s role control that user’s ability to retrieve enrollment information in two ways:



Structure for the enrolled user’s information that the service exposes through the classlist API.

    "Identifier": <string:D2LID>,
    "ProfileIdentifier": <string>,
    "DisplayName": <string>,
    "Username": <string>|null,
    "OrgDefinedId": <string>|null,
    "Email": <string>|null,
    "FirstName": <string>|null,
    "LastName": <string>|null,
    "RoleId": <number:D2LID>|null,
    "LastAccessed": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "IsOnline": <boolean>,
    "ClasslistRoleDisplayName": <string>,
    "Pronouns": <string>|null  // Added with LMS v20.25.2
Username, OrgDefinedId, Email, RoleId, LastAccessed

The back-end service can constrain the visibility of these properties through configuration of the Classlist tool. If these values are configured to be eligible to appear in the classlist for an org unit, then the API can return these values to the calling user (also assuming that the calling user’s role has permission to see those values).


This field will be an empty string if the role referenced does not have the setting: Display this role in the classlist.


If the user has pronouns set and visible, and the classlist is configured to show pronouns in general, this field shows a user’s pronouns; otherwise, if the user has no pronouns set, has set their own pronouns to be not visible, or if the classlist is not configured to show pronouns, this field will be an empty string.


Structure representing an enrolled user’s completion status.

    "Completion": <boolean>,
    "CompletionDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,

A boolean representing the user’s completion status in an org unit.


If this property is present and not null, it represents the date this user completed the org unit. If the property is present with a non-null value, it contains a UTCDateTime.


When you use an action to update completion status, you pass in a block of completion status data like this:

    "Completion": <boolean>,
    "CompletionDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
    "Overwrite": <boolean>|null,

Sets the completion status for the user in the org unit.


Optional UTCDateTime that defines the time of org unit completion. If null, CompletionDate will use the current time. Should only be set when Completion is true.


Optional. When setting Completion to true and providing a CompletionDate for a user that has already completed this Org Unit, this API will overwrite any existing CompletionDate with the new one. If it would be preferable to keep the original CompletionDate if one already exists, Overwrite should explicitly be set to false. Should only be set when Completion is true.


This structure gets used to report back errors on specific user-enrollment problems within batch enrollment creation actions.

   "StatusCode": <number>,
   "StatusMessage": <string>,
   "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>,
   "UserId": <number:D2LID>,
   "RoleId": <number:D2LID>

A HTTP Status code indicating what type of error caused the enrollment to fail.


An error message describing why a user failed to be enrolled.

OrgUnitId, UserId, RoleId

The org unit, user, and role IDs assocated with the attempted enrollment.

    "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>,
    "UserId": <number:D2LID>,
    "RoleId": <number:D2LID>,
    "SendEnrollmentEmail":  <boolean>|null  // Added with LMS v20.25.1

If present and set to true, an enrollment email will be sent to the user being enrolled; otherwise, the back-end service assigns the value false, and does not send an enrollment email to the user.

    "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>,
    "UserId": <number:D2LID>,
    "RoleId": <number:D2LID>,
    "IsCascading": <boolean>
    "OrgUnit": { <composite:Enrollment.OrgUnitInfo> },
    "Access": {
        "IsActive": <boolean>,
        "StartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
        "EndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
        "CanAccess": <boolean>,
        "ClasslistRoleName": <string>|null,
        "LISRoles": [ <string>, ... ],
        "LastAccessed": <string:UTCDateTime>|null
    "PinDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null

If present, presents the start date of the org unit.


If present, presents the end date of the org unit.


If present, presents the name of the D2L enrollment role as it is configured to appear in the classlist.


If present, provides the list of standard 1EdTech LIS roles that are configured for the D2L enrollment role to get sent to an LTI® Tool on an LTI launch.


If present, presents the date the user last accessed the org unit.


Date that this enrollment was pinned to appear at the top of the list of a user’s enrollments.

    "OrgUnitId": <number:D2LID>,
    "AccessInfo": {
        "IsActive": <boolean>,
        "StartDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
        "EndDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null,
        "CanAccess": <boolean>,
        "ClasslistRoleName": <string>|null,
        "LISRoles": [ <string>, ... ],
        "LastAccessed": <string:UTCDateTime>|null

If present, presents the start date of the org unit.


If present, presents the end date of the org unit.


If present, presents the name of the D2L enrollment role as it is configured to appear in the classlist.


If present, provides the list of standard 1EdTech LIS roles that are configured for the D2L enrollment role to get sent to an LTI Tool on an LTI Launch.


If present, presents the date the user last accessed the org unit.

    "Id": <number:D2LID>,
    "Type": { <composite:OrgUnit.OrgUnitTypeInfo> },
    "Name": <string>,
    "Code": <string>|null,
    "HomeUrl": <string:URL>|null,
    "ImageUrl": <string:APIURL>|null

In rare cases, an org unit may have no code set for it; in that case, you may get null for the code on actions that retrieve this structure. This is most likely to happen for the root organization org unit only.


The value will be null when the user cannot access the org unit.


A value will only be provided for course offerings that have an image set; in all other situations the value will be null.

    "User": { <composite:User.User> },
    "Role": { <composite:Enrollment.RoleInfo> }
    "Id": <number:D2LID>,
    "Code": <string>|null,
    "Name": <string>
    "OrgUnit": { <composite:Enrollment.OrgUnitInfo> },
    "Role": { <composite:Enrollment.RoleInfo> },
    "IsCascading": <boolean>,  // Added with LP's unstable contract
    "EnrolledByUserId": <number:D2LID>|null,  // Added with LP's unstable contract
    "EnrolledByUserDate": <string:UTCDateTime>|null  // Added with LP's unstable contract

If the enrollment was directly made by a user, provides the user ID of the person who created this enrollment. If the enrollment was made by other methods such as an auto enrollment of a cascading role, the field will be null.


If the enrollment was directly made by a user, provides the date when this enrollment was created. If the enrollment was made by other methods such as an auto enrollment of a cascading role, the field will be null.


Auditors are users that have permission to audit the presence of other users (auditees). In these structures, the properties AuditorId and AuditeeId are actually just the User ID values for the users involved: we use the Auditor and Auditee terms to make it clear which position the user occupies in this relationship.


Structure mapping a single auditee to the people auditing that person.

    "AuditeeId": <number:D2LID>,
    "DisplayName": <string>,
    "Auditors": [ <Audit.UsersAuditor>, ... ]

Information for an enrolled user who can be audited.

    "AuditeeId": <number:D2LID>,
    "DisplayName": <string>

Structure mapping a single auditor to the enrolled auditees the person is auditing.

    "AuditorId": <number:D2LID>,
    "DisplayName": <string>,
    "Auditees": [ <Audit.Auditee>, ... ]

Information for an individual who can audit an enrolled user.

    "AuditorId": <number:D2LID>,
    "DisplayName": <string>


DELETE /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)/users/(userId)

Delete a user’s enrollment in a provided org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. Unlike most delete actions, this action returns an EnrollmentData JSON block showing the enrollment status just before this action deleted the user’s enrollment.

DELETE /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/users/(userId)/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)

Delete a user’s enrollment in a provided org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. Unlike most delete actions, this action returns an EnrollmentData JSON block showing the enrollment status just before this action deleted the user’s enrollment

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/classlist/

Retrieve the enrolled users in the classlist for an org unit.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON array of ClasslistUser data blocks. Note that the data blocks returned here respect the org unit’s privacy settings with respect to the Username, OrgDefinedId, Email, FirstName, LastName and the contents of the DisplayName properties (typically, the display-name gets formed from the user’s first and last names, and privacy settings govern the visibility of those items).


Some orgunits can have very large numbers of enrolled users, so the classlist can be a quite large collection. We advise you to make very careful use of this API call because it asks for an unbounded set of results. We strongly recommend you use the paged version of this call instead.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/classlist/paged/

Retrieve the enrolled users in the classlist for an org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • onlyShowShownInGrades – (Optional) If true, retrieve only gradeable users; false by default.

  • searchTerm (string) – (Optional) Search term to look for.

  • roleId (D2LID) – (Optional) Filter class list users by this role.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. You can provide a searchTerm query parameter string to filter results returned; the back-end service looks for fields that contain your search term in these ClasslistUser fields: Username, OrgDefinedId, FirstName, LastName.

As of LE API versions 1.82 and later, this action supports a new, optional roleId query parameter. If the calling user has sufficient privileges to search for your specified role, this will filter returned results to only users enrolled with that role; otherwise, if the calling user is not sufficiently privileged, or there are no such users, this filter returns an empty set of results.

Return. This action returns an object list page JSON block containing a list of ClasslistUser blocks, sorted first (ascending) by the users’ first names, then by their last names (see User.LegalPreferredNames for detail on how last names are chosen for sorting), and then by the users’ Identifier values.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/myenrollments/

Retrieve the list of all enrollments for the current user.

Query Parameters:
  • orgUnitTypeId (CSV of D2LIDs) – Optional. Filter list to specific org unit types.

  • bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching next data set segment.

  • sortBy (string) – Optional. Sort by key-expression (see description).

  • isActive (bool) – Optional. Filter on the org unit’s isActive property and select only records that match your provided parameter value.

  • startDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. Start of time window to examine.

  • endDateTime (UTCDateTime) – Optional. End of time window to examine.

  • canAccess (bool) – Optional. Filter on the org unit’s Access.CanAccess property and select only records that match your provided parameter value.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. You can use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.


This action uses the sortBy query parameter to control the sorting of items retrieved:

  • By default, this action sorts results in ascending order by org unit ID.

  • You can indicate you want to sort in descending order with a key by using a minus sign (for example, -OrgUnitId).

  • You can sort by multiple keys, by using the query parameter more than once; sortation happens in the order you provide the parameters (for example: &sortBy=-OrgUnitId&sortBy=OrgUnitName).

  • You can use these keys for sorting: EndDate, PinDate, OrgUnitTypeId, OrgUnitName, StartDate.

endDateTime and startDateTime

These parameters describe a time range that will match against any org units that have a start date occurring before the endDateTime and an end date occurring after the startDateTime (so that the time range you provide overlaps with the time span for the org unit). Note that org units without start dates are assumed to have a start date earlier than any other time, while org units without end dates are assumed to have an end date later than any other time.

Return. This action returns a paged result set containing the resulting MyOrgUnitInfo data blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if the parameter is empty or missing). If the request included sortBy, the same sortBy parameters must be specified with the bookmark parameter when fetching the next page.


This action uses the org unit’s Id property enclosed within the MyOrgUnitInfo block as the paging control value. You can fetch the segment of results following any org unit’s entry in the entire data set by passing that org unit’s Id as the bookmark value.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/myenrollments/(orgUnitId)

Retrieve the enrollment details for the current user in the provided org unit.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a MyOrgUnitInfo JSON block.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/myenrollments/(orgUnitId)/access

Retrieve abbreviated enrollment details for the current user in the provided org unit.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a MyOrgUnitAcessInfo JSON block.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/myenrollments/(orgUnitId)/parentOrgUnits

Retrieve enrollment details of all parent org units of the provided org unit in which the current user is enrolled.

Query Parameters:
  • bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching next data set segment.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. You can use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.

Return. This action returns a paged result set containing the resulting MyOrgUnitInfo data blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if the parameter is empty or missing).


This action uses the org unit’s Id property enclosed within the MyOrgUnitInfo block as the paging control value. You can fetch the segment of results following any org unit’s entry in the entire data set by passing that org unit’s Id as the bookmark value.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)/users/

Retrieve the collection of users enrolled in the identified org unit.

Query Parameters:
  • roleId (D2LID) – Optional. Filter list to a specific user role.

  • isActive (bool) – Optional. Filter list to only active or inactive users.

  • bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching next data set segment.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. You can use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.

Return. This action returns a paged result set containing the resulting OrgUnitUser data blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if the parameter is empty or missing).


This action employs the user’s Identifier property enclosed within the OrgUnitUser block as the paging control value. You can fetch the segment of results following any user’s entry in the entire data set by passing that user’s Identifier as the bookmark value.

Support for the isActive query parameter was added to this action as of LP API v1.26.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)/users/(userId)

Retrieve enrollment details for a user in the provided org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns an EnrollmentData JSON block.


This call is equivalent to the route that fetches by specifying the user first, and then the org unit.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)/users/(userId)/completion

Retrieve completion tracking status for a user in the provided org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.49+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a CompletionData JSON block.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/users/(userId)/orgUnits/

Retrieve a list of all enrollments for the provided user.

Query Parameters:
  • orgUnitTypeId (CSV of D2LIDs) – Optional. Filter list to specific org unit types.

  • roleId (D2LID) – Optional. Filter list to a specific user role.

  • bookmark (string) – Optional. Bookmark to use for fetching next data set segment.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. You can use a bookmark query parameter as a paging offset, to indicate that the service should return the segment of results immediately following your bookmark.

Return. This action returns a paged result set containing the resulting UserOrgUnit data blocks for the segment following your bookmark parameter (or the first segment if the parameter is empty or missing).


This action employs the org unit’s Id property enclosed within the UserOrgUnit block as the paging control value. You can fetch the segment of results following any org unit’s entry in the entire data set by passing that org unit’s Id as the bookmark value.

GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/users/(userId)/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)

Retrieve enrollment details in an org unit for the provided user.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns an EnrollmentData JSON block.


This call is equivalent to the route that fetches by specifying the org unit first, and then the user.

POST /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/

Create or update a new enrollment for a user.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. If the user doesn’t already have an enrollment in the applicable org unit, this action creates a new enrollment; if the user does already have an enrollment in the org unit, this action updates the enrollment in place to use the new role.

Return. This action returns an EnrollmentData JSON block for the newly enrolled user.

POST /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/batch/

Create a batch of new enrollments for users.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. For this action, provide a simple JSON array of CreateEnrollmentData JSON blocks. Note that you may only include a maximum of 1000 enrollments in each batch. If you provide an element with enrollment details for a user and org unit where the user is already enrolled, the one you provide will replace the existing enrollment. The back-end service processes each entry in the list individually, and functionality for each is consistent with the action to create a single enrollment.

Return. This action returns a JSON array. If any attempt to create an enrollment failed, the back-end service includes a BatchEnrollmentError JSON block describing why creating that particular enrollment failed. If all enrollment actions suceeded, the service returns an empty JSON array.

PUT /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)/users/(userId)/completion

Assign completion tracking status for a user in the provided org unit.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

JSON Parameters:
Oauth2 Scopes:


Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.49+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a CompletionData JSON block.


An org unit that is pinned appears sorted tom the top of the list of courses presented to the user in the service’s web user interface. These routes let you add and remove pins from a user’s enrolled org units.

DELETE /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/myenrollments/(orgUnitId)/pin

Remove the pin from the provided org unit.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

DELETE /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)/users/(userId)/pin

Remove the pin from the provided org unit for specific user.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

POST /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/myenrollments/(orgUnitId)/pin

Pin an org unit to the top of the list of a user’s enrollments.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a MyOrgUnitInfo JSON block.

POST /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/orgUnits/(orgUnitId)/users/(userId)/pin

Pin an org unit to the top of the list for a user’s enrollments.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • orgUnitId (D2LID) – Org unit ID.

  • userId (D2LID) – User ID.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.46+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.3.

  • 1.43-1.45Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.42-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.


In these routes, when we use the terms AuditorId and AuditeeId, as parameters or JSON properties, these are actually the UserId values for the appropriate users. Users auditing, or being audited, will not have separate IDs for that relationship.

DELETE /d2l/api/le/(version)/auditing/auditors/(auditorId)/auditees/

Remove an auditee from the list of users that an auditor is auditing.

JSON Parameters:
  • AuditeeId (D2LID as single JSON number) – Auditee to remove.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. Note that you must pass a single JSON number in the body of this request; for example, if you want to remove user with ID 1234 from the an auditor’s list of auditees, your POST body would be:

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/auditing/auditees/(auditeeId)

Retrieve information for an auditee.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a AuditedUser JSON block.

GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/auditing/auditors/(auditorId)

Retrieve information for an auditor.

  • version (D2LVERSION) – API version.

  • auditorId – Auditor ID.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a Auditor JSON


GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/auditing/auditors/(auditorId)/auditees/

Retrieve the list of users an auditor is auditing.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Return. This action returns a JSON array of Auditee blocks.

POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/auditing/auditors/(auditorId)/auditees/

Add a user to the list of those an auditor is auditing.

JSON Parameters:
  • AuditeeId (D2LID as single JSON number) – Auditee to add.

Status Codes:
API Versions:
  • 1.75+ – Route first appears in LMS v20.24.5.

  • 1.67-74Deprecated as of LMS v20.25.1.

  • 1.66-Obsolete as of LMS v20.25.1.

Input. Note that you must pass a single JSON number in the body of this request; for example, if you want to remove user with ID 1234 from the an auditor’s list of auditees, your POST body would be:


The auditee ID you provide must be a valid user, and may not be the same ID as the auditor ID owning the list (that is, users cannot audit themselves).

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